
A competitive philosophy and a mantra for leaders.

Every week, we reset our hearts and our minds to zero status so we can earn Hero status by Friday. #HeroByFriday™ is not a destination, but instead a continuous cycle of taking ownership and working to improve yourself, the people around you, and the industry.


Every story, every competition, every organization needs Heroes.

#HeroByFriday™ isn’t just a motivational expression or slogan; it’s a way of life. A frame of mind. It is a cyclical vision that requires a weekly renewal of effort.

On Monday, we start over. We use our past successes to energize new efforts. We learn from our failures. We step into the ring as though the fight has only just begun.

#HeroByFriday™ is the cure to entitlement, a disease that afflicts rich and poor, young and old alike. Entitlement expects a harvest without sowing seeds. #HeroByFriday™ reminds us that we are not rewarded for what we are capable of, we are rewarded for what we have accomplished.

Follow our journey.


Episode 1.

Episode 3.

Episode 2.

Episode 4.

White American Flag Photo Sale Promo Fourth of July Facebook Post.png